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The Highlander Takes A Bride

Highland Brides

Series Book #


Saidh & Greer

Jul 28, 2015



ISBN 10:


A bold, seductive laird meets his passionate match in a scintillating Highland romance from New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands.
Sword fighting, swearing, and riding astride come naturally to Saidh Buchanan. Simpering and holding her tongue—definitely not. Raised alongside seven boisterous brothers, Saidh has little interest in saddling herself with a husband…until she glimpses the new Laird MacDonnell bathing naked in the loch. Though she’s far from a proper lady, the brawny Highlander makes Saidh feel every inch a woman.
She has an angel’s looks, a warrior’s temper, and seeks out his kisses with wanton eagerness. Little wonder that Greer is intrigued by his comely guest. When reckless desire overtakes them, he’s more than willing to make an honest woman of her. But Saidh is the target of a hidden enemy, and Greer faces the battle of his life…to safeguard the woman he wants above all others.

Excerpt for
The Highlander Takes A Bride
Prologue Saidh had just caught up her skirt and started to squat when she heard it: a man’s short, sharp shout that sounded like a death cry. Cold creeping down the back of her neck, she let her skirt drop and straightened, ears straining. At first there was nothing. No running feet, no sounds of battle, nothing to tell her what had happened, and then she caught a high keening that dissolved into weeping. Cursing, Saidh pulled her sword from the scabbard at her waist and started through the woods, following the sound of those heart-wrenching sobs. She recognized them, knew their source. She’d heard the same sobbing last night from the bedchamber next to the one she’d been given during her stay at Fraser Castle, the bedchamber the bride and groom had been carried to during the bedding ceremony that had followed the wedding feast. Saidh shook the thought away and paid more attention to where she was going when a branch slapped back and hit her across the face. The spot they’d stopped to make camp was a lovely clearing, but Saidh had wandered far away from it in search of a place to take care of her needs. The distance was a habit with her. She’d learned that she needed to take herself far from camp did she want to avoid one of her brothers finding and somehow either embarrassing or scaring her while she was in the middle of relieving herself. They’d played that trick often enough in the past for her to have learned her lesson. Mind you, she’d returned the favor a time or two. As the only girl among seven boys in the Buchanan brood, Saidh had quickly learned to defend herself. It had been that or turn into a sniveling, whiny little girl who ran constantly to her mama to tattle on the boys and that was not Saidh. Now sixteen, Saidh gave as good as she got, and had earned the love and respect of every one of her brothers because of it. Saidh’s thoughts died as she stepped into a small clearing. It was pretty, surrounded by a wall of tall, stately trees and with a low carpet of purple flowers making up the ground, but it wasn’t the picture-pretty setting that had Saidh sucking in a gasp of air. Instead, it was the sight of her cousin, Fenella, sitting, sobbing next to her husband’s prone body, her dark hair a tumbled mess about her round face, her gown torn and disheveled, and a bloody knife in her hand. “Fenella?” she breathed, finally getting past her shock and moving toward her. “What happened?” Her cousin lifted her head, peered at her briefly without recognition and then just cried harder and shook her head as she lowered it again. Frowning, Saidh slid her sword back into its scabbard and squatted to examine Hammish. There was a large circle of blood on his chest with a hole in the middle, and he didn’t appear to be breathing. Saidh felt her mouth tighten, and turned to her cousin to gently take the knife from her unresisting hands. After a hesitation, she tossed it to the side, then caught Fenella by the shoulders and gave her a gentle shake. “What happened?” She was hoping Fenella would tell her they were set upon by bandits, or some other such thing. Instead, Fenella sniffled miserably and cried, “I killed him.” “Dear God,” Saidh breathed releasing her to straighten and peer helplessly around the clearing. “I did no’ mean to,” Fenella sobbed. “I jest could no’ take his rapin’ me again.” Saidh glanced back to her with a frown. “Raping ye? Ye’re married, Fenella. He was yer husband. He—” “He was a cruel heartless bastard who hurt and humiliated me all through the night,” she countered bitterly. “By the time he’d finished with me, I was raw, torn and bleeding worse than if I had me woman’s time.” Her gaze shifted to her dead husband and she said quietly, “That was bad enough, but I could ha’e withstood it. I would ha’e withstood it.” Crossing her arms over her chest, she lowered her head and almost whispered, “But then he turned me o’er and took me in unnatural ways, ways even more painful.” She raised her head again, eyes round with a combination of horror and pleading as she added, “And he was going to do it again, right here in the woods like an animal.” Her head swiveled to the fallen man again and she said miserably. “I could no’ let him. I jest could no’ bear it, so when I felt his dagger in his belt I—I did no’ think, I …” Moaning miserably, she lowered her head again. “I jest grabbed it and—” When she broke off and shook her head miserably, Saidh peered at the man on the ground. She believed Fenella. It was impossible not to after what she’d heard on her way to her bedchamber last night. Saidh had been a little the worse for wear at the time. Her brother Rory had goaded her into a drinking contest after their cousin’s wedding feast. Saidh had never much cared for ale or whiskey and her brother knew it. However, she’d also never been able to resist a challenge, especially when it included phrases like “Ye’re no afraid, are ye?” or “Ah, ye’d ha’e lost anyway, ye being a lass and all.” Both of which he’d used last night when he’d apparently decided it would be fun to drink her under the table. He’d lost the contest. Saidh had been swaying in her seat, but still upright when Rory had slithered off the bench to land in a heap under the table. She vaguely recalled the cheers and congratulations from the others as she’d got to her feet, then she had staggered away from the table, intent on reaching her room before she too fell to the drink. Her memory became clearer though when she reached the upper landing. With the laughter, chatter and music reduced to a dull roar there, she’d paused on the landing as the sound of a woman’s screaming had reached her ears. Frowning, she’d stumbled down the hall toward the sound, intent on helping whoever it was. Her feet had slowed and then paused altogether however as she’d reached the door. Even in her drunken haze, she’d realized it was the bridal chamber. Swallowing the drink that tried to rush back up her throat, Saidh had hesitated, unsure what to do. She’d heard that the bedding could be painful the first time, but the screams coming from behind the door had spoken of agony. Surely it should not be this painful? It sounded as if Hammish was killing her poor cousin rather than merely consummating their marriage. Saidh had raised her hand, intending to knock and check to see that all was well, but then the screaming abruptly ended. “There,” Hammish had grunted with breathless satisfaction, the sound coming muffled through the door, accompanied by a rustling. “Now we’re well and truly married. Ye’re mine, lass.” When Fenella had sniffled and mumbled something that could have been agreement, Saidh had sighed and turned away from the door to continue on to her own. She’d been grateful to do so. The landing had taken to spinning around her by then and Saidh doubted she would have been much help to Fenella if it had been necessary. Still, she’d thought as she’d staggered into her room, if she were to judge by Fenella’s screams, the bedding must be even more painful than she’d heard it to be and they really should warn a girl. Of course, if they did that, women would be much less eager to be wedded and bedded. Saidh had just collapsed on the bed when the distant sound of screaming reached her ears again. She’d struggled briefly, trying to sit up, but unconsciousness was already rushing up to claim her, pulling her down into the soft bed with firm, dark hands. That second round of screaming had been the first thing she’d remembered on rising, so Saidh had been more than relieved to find her cousin alive and well in the morning when she’d gone below to break her fast. Fenella had been pale and quiet, but when Saidh had asked her with concern if she was well, the woman had nodded and ducked her head as color flushed her cheeks. Conran had distracted Saidh then, calling her down to where he and her other brothers sat at the table so Saidh had left Fenella to join them. There was little she could have done for her cousin anyway. She was his wife now and belonged to Hammish as much as his horse, his castle and his sword. Women had little in the way of rights in this world. Mouth tightening at that thought, Saidh peered at her cousin with pity and breathed, “They will kill you for this.” “Aye.” Fenella turned dead eyes to the prone man beside her and shrugged wearily. “Let them. I’d rather be dead than suffer again what he did to me last night.” Saidh bit her lip and peered to Hammish, the screams she’d heard the night before echoing through her mind. This was the first wedding she’d attended, but surely the breaching did not always cause the agony those screams had suggested. And she knew there was blood during the breaching, but what Fenella described sounded extreme. As for the part about turning her over and taking her in unnatural ways, Saidh knew exactly what her cousin meant. She had been raised with seven brothers after all, and they had taken great delight in telling her things they shouldn’t in the hopes of embarrassing or distressing her. What Fenella described sounded like what Geordie called “copulation in the rear.” Geordie had also said it was a sin, punishable by a gruesome death by mutilation, hanging or burning at the stake. In truth, Saidh supposed Fenella had given the church’s justice to her husband, and a kinder end than mutilation or burning at the stake. Perhaps even kinder than hanging, although she wasn’t sure about that one. Sighing, she turned back to her cousin and knelt before her again. “If ye tell the priest what he did—” “Nay!” Fenella cried with alarm. “I could ne’er tell anyone he did that to me. Ever.” “Ye told me,” she reminded her gently. “Mayhap—” “Nay, Saidh. Please.” She grasped her hands, squeezing them desperately. “Just kill me. I’ll no’ fight ye. Just slit me throat. Then ye can say ye found me o’er the body, we fought fer the weapon and ye killed me.” “Oh, Fenella,” she said sadly, and pulled her into a hug. “I’ll no’ do that to ye.” “Ye ha’e to,” she wept, clutching at the front of her gown. “Hamish’s brother is as cruel as he, he’ll no’ let this go unpunished. He shall kill me anyway. At least if you do it I ken ye’ll no’ torture me first. Please, Saidh.” Saidh remained still for a moment, her mind racing. She understood why Fenella would ask it of her, but she simply couldn’t do it. Her gaze swept the clearing, and then she released Fenella and straightened. “I ha’e a better idea.” “Nay. Just kill me, Saidh. Please,” Fenella cried, scrambling to her feet to follow and then pausing abruptly when Saidh stopped and bent to scoop up a large branch from the ground at the edge of the clearing. It was a good six feet long, one end as big around as a man’s arm, the other as small as her wrist. “What are ye doing? This is no time fer a fire.” Saidh turned to face her, took a deep breath and announced, “Ye were set upon by two men when ye got to this clearing. Bandits, poorly dressed, one tall and thin, one short and fat.” “I was?” Fenella asked with a frown, taking a step backward when Saidh stepped toward her. “Aye. Ye and Hammish were. Other than that ye remember little,” she added, raising the log. “Oh,” Fenella breathed, paling. Saidh steeled herself against the sudden fear in her cousin’s eyes and swung her makeshift weapon, catching Fenella in the side of the head. She watched her spin to the side and crumple to fall across her prone husband on the ground, then dropped the log, backed to the edge of the clearing and began to scream.
The Highlander Takes A Bride
The Highlander Takes A Bride
The Highlander Takes A Bride
The Highlander Takes A Bride
The Highlander Takes A Bride
Reviews for
The Highlander Takes A Bride
Sands reaches new heights as she once again ventures into the Highlands, centering her tale on a large and close-knit clan. Readers will adore the siblings’ relationships as well as the carefully paced, well-written, steamy love story between a strong-willed heroine and an alpha hero. Sands delivers what her fans will surely consider a keeper. Given 4.5 stars by Kathe Robin at RT Book Reviews I've always enjoyed books by the author, both paranormal and historical. It's hard to go wrong with a Sand's book and The Highlander Takes a Bride was yet another exceptional romance that the author delivered to her readers. Both the plot and the romance were equally worth applauding, but for me it has to be about the romance, and this book does not shy away from being a romantic love story. Of course the romance was not the only thing to enjoy about the book. The characters as individuals were also likable. I loved every moment that I spent reading this book and I would not only recommend this book but fellow books in Sand's, Scottish Highlander series. Given 4.5 stars by L.Wynters at Night Owl Reviews! The romance is very steamy! I have not read the other two books in this series, nor any of Sands' other series/books, but I found this book to be quite sizzling in terms of chemistry and intimate scenes! But tastefully done by Sands. Very well-written! But besides the chemistry - the romance is really developed. It's insta-lust to a progression of feelings. I like that neither Saidh nor Greer admit to loving each other prematurely, and are totally aware of this. But they do fall for each other slowly, and it is very sweet! Reviewed by Alyssa at Eater Of Books Blog As expected, The Highlander Takes A Bride was another great read from Lynsay Sands. I loved it. This lovely historical romance had it all. Great writing and an entertaining plot that had an unexpected twist. Engaging characters that I really liked. I recommend this novel as a must for historical romance readers. Given four flying stars by Debra Taylor from The Romance Reviews. All in all, The Highlander Takes a Bride is a novel that delivers a suspense filled story making the romance that much more powerful. Both Greer and Saidh prove their mettle to each other by overcoming and dealing with the many conflicts, threats and surprises that come their way. There’s a lot of humor and cuteness to soften the harshness of their situation which is a strength in this novel. My favorite part is when Saidh is introduced to physical pleasure by Greer. Her response is delightful and her enthusiasm totally grin-worthy. Watching them fall in love is a ton of fun.The Highlander Takes a Bride gets a huge and happy recommend from me. It’s great entertainment. Given four stars by Xeranthemum at Long and Short Reviews. I enjoyed this historical Scottish romance from Lynsay Sands. It was entertaining and well-written, particularly the Scottish dialect. I absolutely adored the heroine, Saidh (even though I don't know how to pronounce her name). She is not a simpering female in the slightest. Saidh was the perfect match for Greer, the mercenary turned laird. He respected her abilities and didn't try to curb her tomboy behavior. In fact, they encouraged the outrageous behavior in one another. I also really liked the secondary and tertiary characters in this book... namely Saidh's seven brothers and the lady friends we met briefly in the beginning of the story. Given four stars by Bambi Unbridled at Goodreads A romantic and truly delightful historical romance, The Highlander Takes a Bride was a lovely read. With sweet romance and a surprising betrayal, this book was great and I really liked it. Saidh was a fantastic heroine. She could hold her own for sure, with her fearlessness and her badass fighting ability. Greer was also wonderful. He was very sweet and loved Saidh exactly as she was. Romance lovers, this is a book worth the read! Given four roses by Farrah at Imagine A World Lynsay Sands rocks it! Saidh is a feisty, braies wearin' lady. Raised with SEVEN brothers, she can curse, fight and ride like a man. She is who she is and not ashamed of it at all. She's resigned herself to spinsterhood because she doesn't believe she'll ever find a man who'll accept her for who she is. Until she meets Greer. The former warrior-for-hire, cursing, wenching, sword carrying Lord MacDonnell falls for her spirited charm. Nelle from Nelle's Nightstand liked it... a lot. LOL. The book is also really humorous. Greer’s notions of honor are very strong, but his ideas of how to hold to them are kind of ridiculous. There was a very “only a man” sort of moment that had me in stitches. And this of course brought Saidh’s brother’s into play. I can absolutely picture her manhandling, and just handling them. Really, it was masterful. There’s also kind of a plot moppet in the form of a Greer’s Squire, that is a cantankerous old man trapped in a child’s body, and he provides some humorous elements as well as furthering the plot and opening Saidh’s eyes to other people’s perceptions. Given four stars by Erin at Burning Through Her Bookshelf. This was a great read, I really enjoyed it. The bantering between Saidh, a feisty young woman who can sword fight like a man. likes to ride astride and swears when needed and Greer, the new Laird MacDonnell is such fun in the beginning, he becomes intrigued by her but really doesn’t now how to handle his attraction, she is a lady but she does such unladylike things. Saidh begins to feel the same way for Greer and they become close and the chemistry between them really begins to show. A great romance which will keep the reader guessing right until the end, I would highly recommend this story to romance lovers everywhere. Reader 7 World I enjoyed this historical Scottish romance from Lynsay Sands. It was entertaining and well-written, particularly the Scottish dialect. I didn't realize it was a the third book in the series when I picked this up, so it me go back and read the earlier books. I absolutely adored the heroine, Saidh. She is not a simpering female in the slightest. Saidh was the perfect match for Greer, the mercenary turned laird. He respected her abilities and didn't try to curb her tomboy behavior. In fact, they encouraged the outrageous behavior in one another... If you are looking for a light fun fluff read, don't pass this one up! Given four stars by Bambi from Bambi Unbridled Book Reviews I really admire the way that Lynsay Sands develops her characters and gives them such distinct traits that we can respect or scorn. Although this novel is part of a greater highlander series, it really does read more as a stand-alone and does not require any previous knowledge to enjoy. I absolutely loved THE HIGHLANDER TAKES A BRIDE, for so many little reasons I can't even explain and for the fact that it felt so intrinsically Lynsay Sands. There's just something about her books that I really respond to - between the resounding heat, the layers of suspense and the level of playfulness and intimacy she works into the lovers' interactions. If you love a good highlander historical that's hot as hell and will keep you guessing through to the end, definitely pick up a copy of THE HIGHLANDER TAKES A BRIDE. By Cris Conquers I've always enjoyed books by the author. Both paranormal and historical. It's hard to go wrong with a Sand's book and The Highlander Takes a Bride was yet another exceptional romance that the author delivered to her readers. Both the plot and the romance were equally worth applauding, but for me it has to be about the romance, and this book does not shy away from being a romantic love story. Given 4 crwons by The Bookish and The Romantic! I loved the characters in The Highlander Takes a Bride, especially, Saidh. I loved how tom-boyish she was given that she had grown up with 7 older brothers. Saidh was definitely a riot of a heroine and I loved that she was headstrong, not afraid to fight for herself and to stand up to others. Greer was also a hero that I instantly liked. He was all alpha man and gruff and in his kilt, he was rather irresistible. Besides being sexy though, Greer was passionate, loyal to the core and a sweetheart underneath. I couldn't have asked for a better hero for Saidh. Their bullheadedness actually complemented each other really well, although I thought they would constantly be fighting. Given 4 stars by Nick from Nick's Book Blog! I was in the perfect mood for a highlander romance when I started reading The Highlander Takes a Bride and it definitely didn't let me down.Saidh was such a fun heroine and definitely a breath of fresh air. Greer is a great hero and a perfect hero for Saidh. Overall, give it a go and you won't be disappointed. Laughs, kilts, sexy times and an intriguing plot-what more do you need? Given 4 stars by Cerian at Rookie Romance! While not a new or unfamiliar trope, Sands uses humor and description (Saidh climbing Greer like a kitten) are clever and funny, bringing easy visuals with moments to laugh. The tension and build for danger is apparent, and the scenes with the brothers, Greer and Saidh are laugh out loud for their commotion, posturing for supremacy and Saidh’s easy and offhanded way of managing / lording over her brothers. With plenty of moments to steam up the read as Greer and Saidh enjoy their alone time, the emotional connection between the two is built with solidity, feeling both plausible and possible. I’ve now got to read the earlier books in the series! By Gaele at I am, Indeed. As tough as it was for me to read through the Scottish dialogue all the characters had, I thoroughly enjoyed The Highlander Takes a Bride by Lynsay Sands. Granted, I don’t read Highland romances that often so anyone who does won’t have an issue with the dialogue. By Adria at Adria's Romance Reviews. Lynsay Sand’s books always leave me lighthearted! Both Greer and Saidh make me giggle at the same time I was absorbed with their romance. And I found myself hoping that Ms. Sands intends to write about Saidh’s seven brothers in the future. The Highlander Takes a Bride is a romance that just plain leaves you feeling good at the end! I can’t ever read enough of Lynsay Sands! By Melissa at Joyfully Reviewed! This was such a fun book! The Highlander Takes a Bride is the third book Lynsay Sands’ Scottish Highlander Series but each book is a standalone and you do not need to read the first two book before picking up this one. The Highlander Takes a Bride was a sexy and fun Scottish romance that captured and held my attention. I really enjoyed it! Lynsay Sands always delivers hot romance with humor and great characters. I love her paranormal romances as well. She has a great writing style that is easy to read and I always get swept up in the worlds she creates. I highly recommend this series for historical romance lovers looking for hot Scottish romances that will make you smile. Given 4 stars by Cori at Reading In Pajamas! All in all, a wonderful story that I didn't want to end. I also loved Saidh's brothers. OMG! They are so funny. I really want their stories. I'd really love to hear your thoughts about The Highlander Takes a Bride or any other book by Sands. Happy reading! By Romancing The Readers. This book has everything you could ask for! IT covers all my favorites: Historical romance, Sexy highlanders, sex, cursing women, twists &turns, suspense and comedy. What more could you ask for? I'll say it again, Ms. Sands can write one heck of a book & always keeps you coming back for more whether its her paranormal or historical books. I love both from her. This is part of a series, but can be a stand-alone read. By Alisa on Princess Eskima Reviews.
Family Tree For
Saidh & Greer
Saidh & Greer
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