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Surrender To The Highlander

Highland Brides

Series Book #


Edith & Niels

Jan 30, 2018



ISBN 10:


In New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands’ captivating romance, a lass targeted by an unknown foe is saved—and seduced—by a bold Highlander
Edith Drummond owes her life to Niels Buchanan and his brothers. Waking after an illness to a castle overrun by rugged Highlanders is disconcerting, but so is learning that she’s slowly being poisoned. Niels insists on staying by her side, and Edith soon discovers that even more dangerous is her wild attraction to the fierce warrior.
Niels has never met a more courageous—or enticing—woman than Lady Edith. The idea of such a bonny lass being forced to enter a nunnery is more than any red-blooded Scotsman could bear. He’ll gladly marry her himself. But while sweeping her off her feet is easy, it’ll take all his skill to defeat her family’s relentless enemies and convince her to surrender to his sweet embrace . . .

Excerpt for
Surrender To The Highlander
Prologue Niels stared at his brother-in-law blankly for one moment and then exploded, "Are ye daft? We're no' going anywhere near Drummond. We're traveling to McKay in the north. Drummond is south." "Aye," Geordie agreed next to him, scowling at their sister's husband for good measure. "We only stopped here to drop off Rory and see our sister." "I ken," Greer growled, his eyes shifting from the four Buchanan brothers sitting at his table, to the upper landing as if expecting his wife to appear at any moment. Niels followed his glance, but there was nothing to see. The landing was empty. He looked back to his brother-in-law in time to see his mouth firming with determination as he turned his attention back to them "I ken it would add to yer journey, and I'd no' ask, but Saidh is really worried about her friend Edith Drummond. In the last letter she had from her four weeks ago, Edith was feeling poorly, and she's no' heard from her since. Saidh's had no' response to her last three messages and is concerned." "Then send a damned messenger," Niels snapped impatiently. "Good Lord, man. Drummond is almost as far south as Buchanan and then it's another day's ride east. We'd ha'e to ride all the way back there, and then return here just to continue on with our original journey." "It would add at least a week to our travels," Geordie put in scowling. "More," Alick commented with a grimace. "We have to ride slow with the cart." Shaking his head, he said, "Niels is right. Ye'd do better to send a messenger." "Did you no' hear me just say that Edith has no' responded to the last three messages we sent?" Greer growled with frustration. "Me last messenger could no' even get inside Drummond bailey. He was made to leave the message at the gate. He returned with no news at all. Saidh is bound and determined to ride to Drummond herself and see that Edith is all right." "So?" Niels asked with bewilderment. "Saidh has traveled before and will again. What—?" "She is with child," Greer roared as if they had forgotten that little fact. "Aye, with child, no' dead," Niels said with disgust. "Good Lord, she has five more months before the babe is due. Surely ye're no' trying to wrap her in swaddling and keep her from doing anything jest because she—Good Christ!" he ended with dismay as Saidh appeared at the top of the landing and started down the stairs. His dear—usually lithe—sister looked like she'd swallowed a calf . . . or two. Good God her belly was so swollen and rounded out she could be carrying three calves in there, he thought with dismay. She looked so ungainly he feared she would overbalance and roll down the stairs like a ball. Apparently, he was not the only one with that concern, for Greer MacDonnell was even now leaping to his feet to rush to his wife's side. They all watched in silent amazement as he hurried up the stairs, scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the rest of the way. "I told ye to ha'e yer maid fetch me when ye were ready to come below," Greer was saying with exasperation as he approached the table. "I am with child, no' cripple, husband," Saidh grumbled with irritation. "I am perfectly capable o' walking without help." "Mayhap, but I can no' bear to watch it," Greer growled, setting her in the chair next to his with a care not presently notable in his voice. "Every time ye start down I fear ye'll just tip forward and roll down like a—" Greer's words died on an apologetic grimace as he noted Saidh's stiff expression. "I jest worry," he ended lamely and then offered a conciliatory smile and said, "I'll let Cook ken ye're below and ready to break yer fast." "Thank ye, husband," Saidh murmured, smiling when he bent to press a kiss to her forehead before moving off. She watched him cross the great hall for the kitchens, her face soft with affection and appreciation, both of which were definitely absent when she turned back to her brothers. Her gaze slid over their gaping expressions and then she gave a little huff of disgust and snapped, "Well? Are ye no pleased to see me?" Niels raised his eyebrows at the grumpy question and let his eyes drift to settle on her overlarge stomach. "Aye. We are all just surprised that there is so much to see." "Ye look ready to burst," Alick said with awe. "I thought ye were only four months along?" "I am," she muttered unhappily, one hand rising to rub across her protruding belly. "I think I may be carrying two bairns." "I'm thinking six," Geordie said and promptly received a hard kick from their sister for his trouble. Niels bit back a laugh and turned to Rory, eyebrows raised. "Should she be this big a'ready?" Rory snapped his mouth closed and stood to move to Saidh's side. Placing a hand at her elbow, he tried to urge her to her feet. "We should retire above for a few moments." "Above stairs?" Saidh asked with a scowl and then shook her head and jerked her arm free of his hold. "Nay. I jest got below. Besides, I'm hungry and—" "And I need to examine ye," Rory countered firmly. "Ye can eat after." "Or," she suggested just as firmly, "Ye could examine me after I've eaten." "Or, I could examine ye right here in front o' everyone," he said in a tone of good cheer that didn't soften the threat. Saidh's eyes narrowed, and her hand moved to the sgian-dubh at her waist. "Try it and I'll skewer ye where ye stand." "Saidh," Rory complained with exasperation, and then heaving out a breath, tried reason. "Ye're much larger than ye should be at this stage in the game, lass. It can be dangerous. I need to listen to yer heartbeat and see that it's no under strain. I also wish to—" "I'm fine," she said grimly, and when he opened his mouth to argue further, added, "But I'll make a deal with ye." "What's that?" Rory asked and Niels couldn't help noticing his brother was suddenly wary. He would have been himself. One never knew what would come out of their sister's mouth. "Promise to accompany me to check on Edith and I'll let ye examine me," Saidh said firmly. Rory scowled. "Saidh, ye can no' seriously be thinking to ride a horse in yer shape. Ye—" "Fine. Then I do no' need examining," Saidh waved away his diatribe and turned to face the table. Niels lowered his head to hide his amusement as Rory cursed, but then his brother heaved out a breath. "Fine. If ye let me examine ye, I'll see what I can do fer yer friend Edith," he said shortly. "Now . . . will ye please let me examine ye and be sure all is well?" Saidh relaxed and even smiled faintly, but then she grimaced and said, "Aye. But give me a minute to rest at least. 'Twas a tiring bit of business getting below." That last part was admitted almost shamefully, which told them that it was true. Saidh disliked showing weakness. "I shall carry ye up," Rory offered gently. She blinked at the very suggestion and began to laugh, but it died quickly as Saidh looked Rory over. Eyes widening slightly, she took in their previously lithe brother and said, "Ye've put on weight and yer arms have muscle." "Aye." Niels grinned at her comment. "He's been working out in the practice yard with the rest o' us ever since we got home after escorting Dougall and Murine to Carmichael." "Why?" she asked with surprise. Rory grimaced and answered, "Our brothers have been working hard at convincing me that while kenning how to heal others' injuries was good, it may be prudent to learn how to defend meself as well so that I could remain healthy enough to do so." He smiled crookedly and added, "After all the trouble both ye and Dougall and yer mates ran into recently, it did seem they may be right." "Aye," Saidh said solemnly. "They are." Rory nodded, and then raised an eyebrow. "Shall I carry ye up?" Heaving a sigh, she shook her head and stood up. "I'll walk. Ye can hold me arm though to be sure I do no' overbalance and tumble backward down the stairs." Rory merely nodded and took her arm to lead her away. Niels watched them go, his gaze narrowing with concern on Saidh's protruding stomach. "Surely she should no' be that large already?" Geordie murmured with a frown. Niels shook his head. "I've never seen the like this early on." "Aye, and ye ken what that means," Alick said gloomily. When the other two men merely looked at him in question, he rolled his eyes and pointed out, "We'll have to go to Drummond now. We can no' let Saidh try to ride there in her state. Hell, she was puffing and weary just from walking down the stairs and Greer carried her most o' the way." Niels blew his breath out on a sigh, but nodded. "We'll make a detour that way on our return from McKay and—" "Ye can no wait that long." That determined comment drew his gaze around and he saw that their brother-in-law was returning. Mouth thinning, Niels said, "We have a delivery to make, Greer. The McKays are expecting their woven cloth by the end of the week. We can no' just—" "I'll have six o' me men make the delivery in yer stead," Greer said firmly. "But ye ha'e to head to Drummond straightaway else Saidh'll insist on going herself." Niels pursed his lips as he considered the offer and then countered, "Twelve men." "Twelve?" Greer scowled at the suggestion. "There were only going to be the three o' ye seeing it there yerselves." "Aye, but 'tis expensive cloth, and one Buchanan is worth four o' yer average warrior," he pointed out. "O' course, if ye want to travel with them, then ye can get away with eight and yerself." Somewhat mollified by the implication that he was as good a warrior as his brothers-in-law, Greer sighed and then nodded. "All right. Twelve warriors will escort the woven cloth to McKay." Niels smiled slowly. He'd just traded a long, uncomfortable two-week journey to McKay and back, for a much quicker two-day jaunt to Drummond. Life was good when the heavens smiled on you like this.
Surrender To The Highlander
Surrender To The Highlander
Surrender To The Highlander
Surrender To The Highlander
Surrender To The Highlander
Reviews for
Surrender To The Highlander
Sands (Immortally Yours, 2017, etc.) heads back to her Buchanan Highlanders with an intriguing mystery, interesting characters, and some unexpected twists that will keep readers guessing. A sexy, delightful must-read for historical romance fans! Review by Kirkus review. In Sands’s sassy fifth Highlanders historical romance (after Falling for the Highlander), she definitively answers the question of what is worn—or not worn—under the kilts of her sexy Scots. When Saidh MacDonnell (heroine of an earlier book in the series) sends her four brawny brothers on a two-day journey to investigate her friend Edith’s strange silence, they are plunged into investigating a series of mysterious events that have killed the Laird of Drummond and several of his heirs, and caused the near-death of his daughter Edith. Niels Buchanan, the most handsome of the family, is immediately captivated by Edith’s beauty and nurses her back to health while protecting her from other attempts on her life. Solving this mystery, amid many dips in the loch and attempts to investigate the kilt’s underpinnings, results in a humorous and sensual romance. Sands cheerfully mixes anachronisms with unconvincing Scottish dialect in a way that will never be mistaken for historical accuracy, but those interested in romance with a quasi-Highland setting and enough brothers to fill a lighthearted and lusty series will be entertained. Review by Publishers Weekly. Surrender To The Highlander was picked as one of sixteen novels to get you thru the winter! B&N Reads Winter Romance Roundup. Surrender To The Highlander picked again for B&N's Romance Roundup! B&N Romance Roundup. Surrender To The Highlander was chosen as one of thirteen books reminiscent of "Outlander". Bookbub. A spotlight on Surrender to the Highlander where Lynsay chats about writing the book, the characters and exclusive excerpts. Harlequin Junkie. Intrigue, stained loyalties and hidden identities all come into play throughout this awesome Scot historical romance. The characters come alive as the Buchanan brothers seek answers that aren’t as easy to find as you would expect. The obvious bad guys may be victims and victims may be bad guys. However, you’ll quickly discover that it is extremely easy to fall in love with Edith and Niels and even easier to fall in love with their young companion. This feels to be part of a series focused around the Buchanan family but it fantastic on it’s own. I loved the ending and how everything played out. It was those unexpected twists and turns that had you guessing what would be happening next. Truly this is one book that any fan of Scottish romance will want to read. Niels Buchanan’s plan is to deliver an order to a customer with a quick trip to see his sister. But, when his sister requests that he and his brothers check on her friend, Edith, they reluctantly agree. They expect that it will be a quick visit and they will find everything well. That is not what they find. Instead, they discover that the Laird and his two older sons have died, the youngest and his new wife have fled and Edith is wasting will an unknown illness. They have to stay an help but can they? Review by Terri at Night Owl Reviews. Surrender to the Highlander is the fifth book in the Highlander series and it was just as an enjoyable read as the previous four! I love the positive sibling relationships as well as at the banter that occurs between the brothers. They may joke and squabble at each other, as well as use the foulest language, but they are also very honorable men and they will always do what is right. Love these characters! Edith was also a memorable character and the romance that develops between her and Niels was very swoon worthy. There is mystery, danger, seduction, and action in Surrender to the Highlander and it is also a book I highly recommend! 4 star review by Minx at The Genre Minx. There was a lovely connection between Niels and Edith right away. One which was fun to watch grow and to see how they each would deal with those feelings. Their burgeoning romance was hampered by the threats on Edith’s life and immediately put Niels in protective mode–I loved seeing that side of him. He could be a tiny bit grumbly here and there but overall he was so tender with her it made me smile. The secondary characters were great as well, especially young lad Ronson and Edith’s dog Laddie, both of whom kept me in stitches but also had me worrying about their safety. Understandably, Niels fell just as hard for those two rascals as Edith (and I) did. From the lively dialogue to the flawed and genuine characters to the focus on family, Surrender to the Highlander was a highly enjoyable read–as you would certainly expect from Lynsay Sands. Reviewed and recommended by Sara at Harlequin Junkie. I am totally head over heels in love with the Buchanan family. While I think my favorite is the broody and scarred Aulay, I can't deny that I would love to hang out with the fun-loving Buchanan brood who tease and taunt each other at every turn. Our hero in this installment is Neils Buchanan, the third son in the family line-up. Saidh Buchanan, the sole sister who is currently large with child, persuades the boys to go check on her friend who had been ill and stopped responded to messages. The boys reluctantly make their way to Drummond keep and quickly discover that someone wishes the Drummonds harm and has been doing a speedy job of dispatching of the family. Neils was a great hero. He was a large lusty lad who was protective over our heroine and determined to discover who meant her harm. Neils wasn't as humorous as some of the brothers, but his reaction to humorous situations was endearing and made me love him all the more. Reviewed by Jen from Bambi Unbridled. Sands is among a select coterie of writers who truly bring the Scottish highlands and its history to its full swoonworthy glory. With plenty of action, adventures, surprises, passion and that signature Sands battle of wills trope, this fifth Highlander novel is a fan’s dream come true and everything readers expect from the scribe. Given a 4* review by Kathe at RT Book Reviews. The Buchanans' saga continues as the oh-so swoon-worthy Niels takes the stage, while he becomes entangled with a fierce and extremely clever young lady; Edith is a fabulous creation. In spite of all the murders, SURRENDER TO THE HIGHLANDER unfolds in the bucolic Scottish Highlands, and the tone is subdued. Lynsay Sands' knowledge of medieval history pays off in a big way as day-to-day activities, and the interior of the Drummond castle come to life before our very eyes. Some perceptions of the workings of the human body viewed through the characters' eyes are also in a couple of cases hilarious. The story's slower pace enables Ms. Sands to convincingly craft the romance between Niels and Edith, while the mystery slowly builds and the bodies pile up. Reviewed by Monique at Fresh Fiction. I've always loved Lynsay Sands for her Argeneau series but somehow I always managed to avoid her historical works. After reading the first book in the Scottish Highlander series though, I was hooked and couldn't read the books fast enough. Sands ability to convey humor in any and all situations has made her a favorite author for many readers who are looking for a quick pick me up and her books are just a delight to read.The story of the Buchanan family continues in Sands' SURRENDER TO THE HIGHLANDER. This time it's Niels Buchanan's turn to find his lady love, but there are a few obstacles in his way before he can get to his happily ever after. I love that Sands kept everything balanced in telling Niels and Edith's story. There was a good mix of romance, mystery, and danger and one didn't overtake the other. For anyone looking for a fun and funny read, SURRENDER TO THE HIGHLANDER will keep you in stitches. I do recommend you start the series from the beginning. Not because you won't be able to follow the story without the other books, but more so because I think it helps enhance the story telling and gets you even more invested in the lives of the characters. And, let's face it, you can't really go wrong with hot Scottish men in a kilts. Reviewed by Rosie at Fresh Fiction. Lynsay Sands can write Historical Romance. Lynsay Sands can write Paranormal. Lynsay Sands can write the alphabet and I would read it. I love her style of writing and she always brings the Highlands to life. I can hear the Scottish Brogue in my head as I am reading the story. She makes me laugh and smile and always hope for the best with the wonderful characters that she pens. Her woman are strong but sweet and her men are always brawny and steamy. She wrote so many interesting secondary characters in Surrender to the Highlander but none so adorable as Ronson. Luckily, there are few more Buchanan’s that have to meet the woman of their dreams and I am anticipating watching each one of the give away their hearts. Reviewed by Kitty at Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews. When Lynsay Sands releases a book I immediately grab a copy because I know I’m going to enjoy it. Her historical and paranormal romance series are a great mix of humor and hot romance. SURRENDER TO THE HIGHLANDER is the fifth book in Lynsay Sands’ Scottish Highlander Series, but each book is a standalone and you do not need to read the previous before picking up this one. I highly recommend the entire series though and the characters are connected. SURRENDER TO THE HIGHLANDER is Neil Buchanan and Edith’s story and they were introduced in previous books. Neil is one of Siadh’s many brothers and Edith is one of her close friends. Their story had a mystery, some humor and some steamy romance. I highly recommend this series for historical romance lovers looking for hot Scottish romances. They’re addicting! Reviewed by Reading In Pajamas. if you’re looking for a fun book that combines a great mystery with Lynsay Sands’ flare for the romantic and will likely leave you speaking with a brogue for at least 8 hours, Surrender to the Highlander certainly fits the bill. Reviewed by Sara at Red Hot Books. So, if you’re looking for something easy and stress-free, and you like historical romances, try Surrender to the Highlander by Lynsay Sands. Review by Quinn's Book Nook. Goodreads reviews gave it over 4 stars out of 5!
Family Tree For
Edith & Niels
Edith & Niels
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